David Griffith
Photo by Gordon Lucas
From childhood, David Griffith has lived around packers and outfitters, loggers and cowboys,—and always with horses. For generations, his people have been settlers and homesteaders, immigrants from Illinois to Missouri, then west to Montana, and finally north to the wild bush country of British Columbia.
His earliest memories are of horses and cattle. They seemed as essential to life as oxygen and water, and to ride a bucking horse well was necessary for survival. Montana State University allowed him to turn that skill into four regional and two national saddle bronc titles.
Through a good part of his life, he’s dabbled with the pen, though business and ranching concerns have often taken precedence over serious writing. At times, he’s written for a community newspaper and had articles published in national farm and ranch papers. As an award winning novelist, his books showcase an intimate knowledge of cowboy life and the land, from Canada to the Sierra Madre of Mexico.
David’s knowledge of the drug world stems from a residential real estate investment that, in his words, “brought a gullible rancher face-to-face with the devastating effects of cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines.” The experience fostered a desire to learn more about the pipeline of death that poisons a vast swathe of our society. That journey has led to countless hours of research, a trail he continues to follow, from the Tierra Caliente of central Mexico to the Canadian border.
And of course, together with his wife Patricia, he still runs cattle on a ranch in the big river country of British Columbia.