A Book Affair
The Fugitive as with the other Border Series books combines Lonnie Bowers’ love of the Blackwater Ranch with his sense of duty.

Writing Your Book – Part 4 – Where is the Elusive Agent?
For any beginning author, navigating the treacherous shoals of publishing in today’s over-crowded market is akin to surfing the Great Barrie

Writing Your Book – Part 3 – The Manuscript
Finally! You’ve written the book. This may be a best seller. Eagerly you surf through Writer’s Digest sized volumes and internet sites for t

Writing Your Book – Part 2 – How Do I Start
Congratulations! You’ve decided to go for it, to put in the daily time to actually make that book happen. You’ve carved an hour or maybe eve

I’d like to Write a Book
How does one make that leap from starry-eyed wannabe’, to serious butt-in-the-chair-author with a published dream on book store shelves? Thi

Home Again
Returning back home from a writing holiday in Mexico was its own adventure, and now we are self-isolating on the ranch due to the Coronaviru

NEW BOOK - Vengeance is Mine
New Book Release - Vengeance is Mine. The second book in the Freedom Series.